Me-ish stuff:

My photo
I'm a music obsessive and I love to read and watch stupid TV shows and scary movies! I love my friends, and I'm a total weirdie!! You get to see my life, in writing! (I know, it's exciting, isn't it?!)

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Ok, I'm really frustrated right now because, I cannot fall asleep.

hey here's a pic of me in MEXICO!!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Frannie,

    Wow. You are so beautiful! Perhaps we could hang out some time? Please respond-my email is I attend SPCPA, and know another Jimmy who says he knows you, and thinks you are a great person.

    -Jimmy Logan


A Funny Quote

"Hightops- always and forever."

-Yours truly...ME! (Margaret)