Me-ish stuff:

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I'm a music obsessive and I love to read and watch stupid TV shows and scary movies! I love my friends, and I'm a total weirdie!! You get to see my life, in writing! (I know, it's exciting, isn't it?!)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Lord of the Rings partay!

Well, I forgot to add this part, but over Easter vacation (which isn't really avacation, just four days off), my friend Emmy and I threw my friend Zach a birthday partay! We (emmy and I) call it the Partay because....well I don't know why.... sorry.... I'm REALLY excited all of a sudden. Okay, back to the partay, well we invited our friends Sarah, Debbi, and Victoria. There were six of us and we watched ALL the Lord of the Rings movies...well we didn't have time to watch the last one, because we only had until like, 3 pm, so that kinda sucked, but we had a great time!!! it was so great!

1 comment:

  1. well technically, it wasn't the partay
    cuz we didn't watch return of the king,
    and everybody was talking too much. that
    made me grumpy... haha lol!!!
    emmy + viggo= luhhve


A Funny Quote

"Hightops- always and forever."

-Yours truly...ME! (Margaret)